“Family fun in Colma”

“Inspiring volunteers everywhere”

“Robredo, Canepa urge unity vs anti-Asian hate”

“Longtime volunteers define ‘Grand-Ager'”

“SSF champions healthy, safe homes, communities”

“14th Annual Our Family Our Future”

“Gathering of resource providers”

“United behind elder care”

ALLICE Joins Nationwide Protests Vs Racist, Sexist Attacks Vs. Asians
Please click here to view ALLICE’s statement on stopping the epidemic of hatred.
“Love Letter from ALLICE”
Racism is abuse
ALLICE Alliance for Community Empowerment stands in solidarity with black communities mourning the death of yet another unarmed member in the hands of law enforcers.
We condemn all forms of abuse and we specifically denounce the brutality of the Minneapolis police officers—the one who dug his knee on the neck of George Floyd and the three others who did not try to stop what effectively became a lynching.
News footage did not show George Floyd, who had battled mental issues, resisting arrest for allegedly paying with a counterfeit $20 bill. That’s how the officers justified their aggressive response to the situation. The Hennepin County medical examiner ruled Floyd’s death a homicide. His heart and lungs collapsed while restrained. Indeed, he could not breathe.
Just hours prior, a white woman called 911 falsely and hysterically reporting being “threatened by an African American man” after he began recording her negative response to his request to keep her dog leashed as required at the bird sanctuary in Central Park. Christian Cooper is actually a Harvard-educated known bird-watcher.
That was days after a white father and son shot to death a black man named Ahmaud Arbery whom they suspected to be a burglar as he was jogging in his own neighborhood in Brunswick, Georgia.
Life is sacred. How we treat one another reflects our own humanity. So how is it that some who are sworn to protect become oppressors and persecutors? Executioners?
We reject racism and decry the injustice perpetrated against black people in this country to whom all of us Americans of color owe the freedoms we enjoy and often take for granted. So how is it that they who founded and nurtured the Civil Rights Movement bear the brunt of race hatred – subtle, direct and institutional?
We urge Filipinos everywhere to look up the history of the Civil Rights Movement to appreciate the courage and conviction Americans of African descent mustered to achieve liberation and swept us along with them.
We urge a good examination of how our very own colonial history has conditioned us to see through the lenses of subjugation—finding light skin better and dark skin less so, disliking ourselves if we have the latter rather than the former.
We urge authorities to censure racism, call it what it is, establish reforms and mete harsh penalties to those who use their power and privilege to commit racist acts.
We commend law enforcers who commiserated with protestors and knelt with them to honor the fallen, giving hope in the face of desperation.
While we, too, have suffered decades of prejudice, we appeal for calm and reflection over rage and destruction. We must reach out to one another, contemplate our responsibility and accountability as fellow humans.
If ours is truly the land of equality and equity, each of us must have the will to weigh our own thoughts and actions, and have the humility to change if and when we recognize a shade of bias within us. Only then can we begin to empathize, be kind and truly help stop the violence.
ALLICE Alliance for Community Empowerment
June 3, 2020
Daly City, California
18 March 2020
Dearest Allies,
We, ALLICE Alliance for Community Empowerment Kumares & Kumpares, are reaching out to you to express our deep concern for everyone’s safety especially during the current global health crisis.
In light of the Covid-19 outbreak, we are cancelling until further notice what would have been our 13th “Our Family, Our Future,” our annual faith community-focused spring presentation and health fair promoting elder care and elder abuse prevention. This popular event brings together the public and older population providers to share resources and strategies for age-friendly living. We concurred that the responsible move at this time is to protect those we serve by sparing them from the risk of contagion.
Older adults are a vulnerable sector of society and in fact have been identified as the population most affected by the novel coronavirus. The rapid rise in cases and fatalities including in Northern California has prompted directives from 7 of the 9 Bay Area counties to mitigate the impact of the virus. California Governor Newsom has issued a shelter-in-place order for residents to stay home and leave only for food, medicine or “essential” business.
Please heed guidelines for prevention issued by the World Health Organization and your state and county officials while making note of advisories from local governments about closures and cancellations of public centers, programs and services. Be aware of scams preying on those in panic by offering reservations for testing, masks and other supplies; never give out confidential information like your social security and credit card numbers. Contact and report to your law enforcement should you receive such a call.
Covid-19 could affect anyone but not everyone may exhibit symptoms. Self-quarantine is the ideal option because healthy individuals could be carriers who may spread the virus. Covid-19 has been found to be transmitted through body fluids and live for days on hard surfaces and hours on clothing.
Let’s be mindful of health workers and law enforcement braving the threat to keep us from harm’s way as well as food, banking, repair and other essential business staff required to be on site to provide our basic needs.
For detailed information from our home county of San Mateo, please see latest order from the Health Officer : https://www.smcgov.org/sites/smcgov.org/files/HO%20Order%20Shelter%20in%20Place%2020200316.pdf. Or visit https://www.smchealth.org/coronavirus. Click for tips on Maintaining Mental Health & Well-Being: Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreak.
Thank you and let’s all be safe, take care of ourselves, and support and be kind to one another.
Hon. Cherie M. Querol Moreno Allen Capalla Nan Santiago, LMFT
Founder -Executive Director 2020 President 2020 Vice President
Junior Flores Bettina Santos Yap Jei Africa, Psy D
2020 Secretary Founding President Clinical Director
Jose Antonio Malou Aclan, RN
Finance Director Resource Provider Coordinator
Blessy Valera, Edna Murray, Hon. Elsa Agasid, FNP; Hon. Flor Nicolas, Hanna Baluyot, Jennifer Jimenez Wong, LMFT; Hon. Joanne del Rosario; Rev. Leonard Oakes, Ofie Albrecht, Paulita Lasola Malay, LMFT; Rev. Mark Reburiano
– www.allicekumares.com.
The ALLICE Kumares and Kumpares are a team of Filipino American volunteers organized to promote healthy family relationships through educational presentations.
The name is eponymous to and invokes the work of its honorary chair, Alice Pena Bulos, widely acknowledged as the “godmother of the Filipino American community.”
Our mission is to educate that community about healthy and abusive relationships so members may distinguish between the two, change attitudes and behaviors. We do this in collaboration with organizations that welcome us in their houses of worship and fellowship, and acknowledge our effort as our priceless contribution to their quest for wellness. Finding organizations to host us often is a challenge and one that is expected considering our subject.
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